Legal Battles Have Kept the Yuba County Casino Project on Hold – Until Now
I have been very actively involved as a leader of local support for Enterprise Rancheria’s casino in South Yuba County for about 10 years. Over the years, the project has begun movement forward, only to face legal challenges from other casinos—joined by local politicians—looking to stop the project. And stop they have.
Contrary to what you might initially think, their efforts against this project were not a demonstration of the opposition’s moral high ground. Instead, it has been about stopping competition for the public’s interest in gambling and entertainment in the region.
Those opposed to having a major new competitor have been nearby casinos and the public officials who have taken significant pay from them for help in blocking the project.

New Casino Project Creates an Economic Boom for Yuba-Sutter Area
This project will be one of the two biggest economic booms for this Region (the other being Yuba Water Agency getting millions formerly going to PG&E). With nearly 1,000 acres that wrap around this project planned as a major entertainment center (details are not yet announced), as this project continues to develop, it will vastly expand local opportunities in Yuba County.
During its development, the Hard Rock Fire Mountain Casino will initially create thousands of construction jobs, as the project continues to grow and the surrounding land is developed, thousands of permanent jobs will naturally become available as well.
Quality of Life in Yuba-Sutter Region Gets a Boost from New Casino Project
Anticipation is high for a much needed upswing in the quality of life for residents in the region, with more entertainment options as well as support businesses of of all kinds moving to the area.
Pay attention… this will be a huge economic driver for the entire Yuba-Sutter Region.
Check my blog at www.jptaylorccim.com/blog regularly for developing details and updates on this important project.